We all have questions about what life is like after we die.  Almost all faith traditions have some explanation about what happens after we take our last breath on this earth.  In this four-week series on heaven we will investigate how we experience the reality of heaven on earth and when we have passed from this life to the next one.  We will explore what Jesus said about heaven and what the entirety of scripture says about this topic.  A topic that is not too far from all our minds.  As we live into the afterglow of the resurrection of Jesus, Easter, we will discover that we have nothing to fear and that God keeps his promises to “never leave us or forsake us.”  I hope you will mark your calendars to be here for all four weekends as we discuss a topic that has eternal implications.

On Earth as it is in Heaven - Part 4

Scripture: John 14: 1-7

Memory Verse:
“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26

Questions to Consider:

  •  When you compare the average life span of a human being and the timelessness of eternity, how does that impact the way we experience our lives on this earth?

  • When you imagine the idea of life after death, what influences your picture of the afterlife?

  • As a follower of Jesus, what can we point to that takes away the anxiety of hell and gives us the security of heaven? Cite several scriptures that speak to this.

  • List injustices in this world that you are looking forward to seeing rectified when Jesus makes all things new.  Be specific.  (Examples would include disease, accidental death, isolation, worry.)

  • How has this series given you a fuller understanding of heaven and how it can be experienced?

On Earth as it is in Heaven - Part 3

Scripture: Luke 4:16-21

Memory Verse: “The Lord has made the heavens his throne; from there he rules over everything.” Psalm 103:19

Questions to Consider:

  • How does the concept of "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven" challenge our traditional understanding of Christianity's focus on the afterlife?

  • Reflecting on Jesus' teachings about heaven, how do you think embracing the reality of heaven can transform our priorities and daily decisions?

  • In what ways do you currently see the Kingdom of God manifesting in your life or community? How might this influence the way you interact with others and pursue your goals?

  • Considering the phrase "Your will be done," how can we discern God's will for our lives amidst the complexities of our world today? What practices or principles help guide you in seeking God's will?

  • As we explore the impact of God's Kingdom in our lives, how can we practically embody the values of heaven in our relationships, workplaces, and spheres of influence?

On Earth as it is in Heaven - Part 2

Scripture: Matthew 13:10-17

Memory Verse: “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”Matthew 13:16-17

Questions to Consider:

  • What is one thing you are looking forward to in Heaven?

  • We learn that Jesus intentionally spoke in parables to gradually reveal truths about the Kingdom of Heaven. How does this approach impact our understanding of God's communication with humanity, and how can we discern deeper meanings in Jesus' teachings?

  • When thinking about heaven there is a strong emphasis on the spiritual realities of heaven. How can we balance our focus on earthly matters with an awareness of these spiritual truths in our daily lives?

  • When you hear that the Kingdom is God's reign and rule governing all things. How does this understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven impact our perspective on current events and the world around us?

  • Believing in the promise that God treasures us, and we are secure to have a home with him for eternity, how can we navigate moments of doubt and uncertainty in our faith journey? What resources or support systems are available to help us through these challenges?

  • In the parable of the banquet, why do you think the invited guests made excuses not to attend? What does this reveal about human nature and our response to God's invitation?

On Earth as it is in Heaven - Part 1

Scripture: John 17:1-5

Memory Verse: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” — Ecclesiastes 3:11

Questions to Consider:

  • What do you picture when you think of heaven?

  • Where did your understanding of heaven come from?

  • How does the scriptural truth that eternal life can begin now and last forever challenge your assumptions about heaven?

  • What did Jesus mean when he said, “Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

  • Would you be willing to pray the Lord’s Prayer each morning during this series and pause after, “Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Series Resources

  • What if Jesus Was Serious about Heaven? by Skye Jethani

  • Eternity is Now in Session by John Ortberg

  • Heaven by Randy Alcorn

  • Preparing for Heaven by Gary Black Jr.

  • Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven by David Jeremiah

  • Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom