Choosing One

Choosing One is the choice to be intentional in praying for those that God has put into our life. We are training for opportunities to show we care and sharing the hope that we have in Jesus both inside and outside of the church.

Why inside the church? Because those within the walls of Thanksgiving need reminders of the hope that Jesus offers. Certainly at different times in our lives, we could all use someone who sees us as their “one”. We all need someone to pray and encourage us in our faith development.

Why outside the church? We believe that without a doubt we are lost now and for eternity without Jesus at the center of our lives. Choosing to invest in someone who does not have a relationship with Jesus is central to our calling as followers of Jesus

When we invest in one another, we are saying that even though the entire world needs Jesus, God has called each of us to invest in One in our relational network. Just as people within the walls of the church need the hope of Jesus, our friends, neighbors and family members need to know who Jesus is and that there is hope, joy and peace abounding in the One who saves us.